Saturday, June 20, 2015

Patience is a virtue....

I have never really been a patient person. You would think by now, I would be a master at the virtue of patience. I mean, it took years for me to find Jim and get married. It took us a couple years of trying to be patient for God to reveal His plan for us regarding children. It took a total of 7 months to be matched from the start of our home study and, now we are waiting for the expectant mom to go into labor. We are a day from her due date. Well, her first due date anyway. For various reasons, she had very little prenatal care early on in the pregnancy and so dating the pregnancy has been difficult. She has had 2 due dates given to her. That second due date is (GULP!) August 3rd!

Our lawyer and our expectant mom are pretty sure the first due date is a lot closer to reality than the second one, but we are having a hard time being patient. Not knowing whether we will  have to get up and run to the airport in a few days, a few weeks or over a month from now is very trying on our emotions. We realize that if I were expecting we would have a due date that would simply be an estimate of the day the baby would be born. But, in that case there is usually a couple week window where you can expect the baby to come. And even if there was a longer wait, we would be right there when the baby was born. But, the fact that we live so far from the expectant mom and have to hop on a plane is a lot different. It doesn't help that we are only getting snippets of information regarding her doctors appointments and that  is also frustrating. 

People are telling us we should just take this time to sleep, go on dates and get stuff done around the house. We are doing all of those things and are grateful for the time. But, we are just so excited about the possibility of having a child join our family that we just want it to happen now! Especially since we know this is not a sure thing. There is always a small chance that the expectant mom can choose to parent her child. While we are trying not to dwell on this and are pretty sure she is confident in her decision, but our impatient minds and hearts are just wanting all of that to be behind us so we can hopefully be holding our baby soon.

We know in the end though that God's timing is always perfect and when He chooses for the baby to come is when it will come. Also, we are pretty sure  He thinks we need a bit more work on being patient.

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