Saturday, April 4, 2015

6 is our new lucky number...

So a couple weeks ago we submitted our names to be considered for our sixth situation. We had become sort of numb to the process. We seemed to just be throwing our hat in the ring and hoping for the best.

Well, on Monday, I was talking to my mom on the phone when I decided to check my cell phone (I love to multi-task) and noticed an email from the case manager of the attorney's office we had submitted our profile to. I was expecting this to be our 6th "no". But instead, my eyes scanned the email and I had to stop everything. The email said that this expectant mom liked our profile and wanted to set up a phone call with us the following day! I couldn't believe it. I told my mom quickly and hung up to try to get ahold of Jim. Of course, he was not answering his work phone. So I texted him "Call me!" He called shortly after and I shared the good news.

I spoke with the case manager the next day and she gave me the phone number of the expectant mom. We set a time for us to call her later in the evening. Jim and I were freaking out all through dinner waiting for the allotted time to call. The case worker told me that this expectant mom was not shy and there was not likely to be any awkward silences. We were so happy to hear that!

We called at the allotted time. To say we were nervous is an understatement! After a few tense minutes of phone trouble, we were able to talk to her for about 20 minutes. She was very personable and loved our profile. She told us all the things she liked about us and at the end of the call she told us that she was sure we were the right couple to parent her child.

We are a match! Because we want to respect the expectant mom as much as possible a lot of information will not be shared on here.  So I am not going to go into detail about the expectant mom other than to say she that she is the most amazing, selfless women we have ever met. She due at the end of June and we will find out whether it is a boy or a girl on the 22nd of this month.

Of course, we realize that just because we are matched, this doesn't mean this is a done deal. The expectant mom can change her mind at any time. But, we are trying our best to live in hope. Our biggest wish is that what is best for this child will be done. In the mean time, we will live in the hope that this may eventually be our child and start to prepare our home and hearts for a new child to arrive in a few months.

Thanks to everyone for all your love, support, and prayers that have gotten us this far in the process. We would appreciate your continued prayers that God's will be done in this situation and please continue to pray for us, this child and this expectant mom.

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