Friday, April 21, 2017

Talking to your kids about adoption

As an adoptive parent, it is always on my mind on how best to talk to my children about their adoption. I have read books, already talked openly about their birthparents and pray nightly for their family members which include their birth family. I am constantly aware that I want my children to know that even though adoption is not the normal way a child joins a family, it is normal and its okay to be adopted.

The other day, as I was holding and cuddling little Jacob and realizing just how big he already is, I felt an overwhelming gratitude yet again that Nathan and Jacob's birth mother made the choice to place them for adoption in our family. Feeling this gratitude I went online to look for a quote or meme that adequately expressed what I was feeling. I typed in "adoption memes" and was SHOCKED with what came up. Here are just a few examples:

Folks! This is not okay and this is not funny! Adoption is not something to be joked about. I worry so much about how my children will be accepted when other children find out they are adopted. I have been told children who are adopted often get told on the playground "those people aren't your REAL parents" or "What happened to your REAL mom". This hurts my heart so badly! I know I will not be able to shield my boys from all the insensitive things people (children and adults alike) will say. But, what I hope I can convince you to do, is spend some time talking to your children about the different ways family are created. Let them know that adoption is a normal and beautiful thing. That it is not something to be made fun of, but celebrated!

Here is a great resource. Parents, if you know any children who are adopted, whether it be in your extended family, a child at the school your children attend or even an adult who is adopted, take the opportunity to talk to your kids and help them understand what adoption is and what it means. It is so important! 

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