Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Living on the edge...

Jim and I are simple people. We don't like a lot of change in our life, and we love consistency. But, clearly, God is calling us to constantly step out of our comfort zones. He started that for Jim, when he decided to write to me 5 years ago, despite me living 12 hours away. It started for me, when I wrote back and started to wonder what it would mean for us, if this relationship worked out. Originally on my Catholic Match profile, I had written I was not open to relocating. I liked my life the way it was. I had good friends and family and they were extremely important to me. Eventually, God spoke to me in prayer and I realized that if the right person lived far away, then I must follow that path. God was, in effect, leading me "to places I do not want to go". He was changing my heart. And, well, you know the rest of the story. I now live in Minnesota, a state I couldn't point out correctly on a map 5 years ago.

God continues to change us. He strengthened our marriage as we battled infertility. He forced us to rely on Him and one another, while the way our family was to grow was uncertain. He forced us out of our comfort zones to endure testing we didn't feel like being tested for. He worked on our hearts to turn them toward adoption. And now, he continues to work on us as we wait for our family to grow.

The last couple weeks, he made clear to us that while we wait, we must be ready for quick change! We had heard of a situation of a baby boy who was already born. We put our names in for consideration, and waited for this boys mom to make a decision. Have you ever been in a wait where your whole life could change with little notice? It is not exactly anyone's comfort zone. We did not (and still do not) have a baby room ready. In fact, the room we will be using as a baby's room is still Jim's office.

As we waited, we prayed for that expectant mom, that she would make a decision that was best for her son. Ultimately, after over a week of being in limbo, we found out we were not chosen. But, God continues to show us that when we step back into our comfort zone, he will remind us that things happen in His time, not ours.

We are confident that God will match us with a child that will be ours, when the timing is right. In the meantime we pray for all of the expectant moms who are considering adoption for their children. If you can, will you pray for them too?